Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The telly and public sodomy...

So, this is my first extended rant for the Kingdom of Rantlantis (I told you I lose track) and I'm going to be speaking about up and coming television shows, as well as public displays of affection.

Let's start with the latter...

A good friend of mine posted a relatively brief status update on Facebook regarding the unwarranted amount of affection that young couples show to eachother in public places. He was actually a bit more specific in that he noticed it in the Overgate shopping centre, but some people might not be familiar with that hole. Anyway, I understand his frustration. Yes, I am aware you are a couple and that you probably do love one another, but do you really have to advertise that to the entire world or even to yourselves? Surely, the mere fact that you are in some sort of relationship would tell you both that you admire eachother, or maybe a verbal statement expressing your admiration, but no, that's not enough. You've got to go further, coressing, sucking the face off your partner verging on ripping one another's clothes off your backs in the middle of a busy shopping centre where small children are forced to witness this for probably the first time in their extremely young lives. Parents will be questioned about this issue causing stress and could lead to tragedy... ok, I'll give you that is extreme, but you get my drift. We can all see that you have some sort of feeling toward your partner, that is why they are exactly that, your 'partner'. Hold hands, give a little kiss or two now and again, but there's no need to just about sodomise your other half in the middle of fucking Boots. No one else really gives a toss how much you and your partner love eachother, so there it's no use appearing all smug as if someone is supposed to be jealous.

That was pretty much my point conveyed, but there's always someone who isn't quite up to the mark isn't there? A former friend of mine decided to respond to my comment saying:

"I'm not so sure couples do it to act smug or even to try and make other people jealous. FWIW I'm not even sure that they care if other people care, I know I wouldn't."

My response to that was to the point. I never said that making people jealous or appearing all smug was what they were trying to accomplish, it is merely an observation in that it's the only reason for doing it that I can think of, except perhaps that it takes an awful lot of shit to prove to your partner that you admire them. I'm also not saying that couples don't have the legal right to show eachother any amount of affection they see fit, or that it affects my own existance, I just don't see the need for it and I have just as much right to question it as they have to do it.

Now, moving onto a lighter note...

Having been stuck at home with a terrible cold, I've been subjected to many hours of TV over the past couple of days. There were a couple of advertisements for up and coming programmes that cought my attention for different reasons.

The first advert was for a drama starring Kiefer Sutherland (Jack Bauer in TV series '24'). Judging by the teaser, it appears his co-star is an 8 or 9 year-old boy. At this point I am thinking to myself, 'I wonder what this is going to be called, it should be a title that really draws you into watching it.' The title - 'Touch'. Given the cast that I witnessed in this teaser (which also isn't the best choice of word), 'Touch' isn't a great title. In fact, the title alone would convince any unsuspecting viewer to take up a career in paedophilia as they may win a Bafta or, the porn equivalent, a Shafta!

The other show that was advertised rendored me ashamed to be a part of the human race, but proud that I am not a part of the brain-dead moral majority of TV viewers. The show is to be called 'Love Machine' and it will be hosted by Chris 'fat bastard' Moyles and Stacey 'what planet am I on?' Solomon. Primarily, it looks like a dating show in which boys and girls stand in the holes of what looks like a giant wall-mounted Dyson vacuum accessory (fingers crossed) whilst another random pretty cunt does something that we are all supposed to consider entertaining, probably sex related seen as it's the fashion these days. In a nutshell, to me it appears to be exactly the same as 'Take Me Out' if it were sponsored by Dyson, Radio 1 and Iceland... ie. shit.

I'm going to end this with a photo I took myself last night which truly sums up the state of television nowadays...

Sunday, 19 February 2012

So it begins...

Welcome to the Kingdom of Rantlantis - where the habits of friends and family are as much of an irritation as being harpooned in the lung, and where the general public cause more annoyance than the Nazi revolution ever did.

That's a hell of a tagline. If that place was really a part of our existance, the speed limit on the motor way would need to be 2mph just to give motorists a chance to read it before entering. Anyhow, welcome, none the less, to my blog where I will be disecting every moment of life amoung the idiotic, fashionist, psychosocial metally-dead - otherwise known as, humans. The main reason for doing so is that I believe people need to be told the truth about their actions no matter how much it stings. All too often, people are told exactly what they want to hear or, just as alarmingly, nothing at all instead of being given an honest opinion. It frustrates and angers me that an extortionate number of Earth's inhabitants get away with so much horse shit. I started taking it into my own hands a while back by using the Facebook "status update" and "note" features to express my discontent at some of the material that appeared on the site in the hope of provoking a reaction. As I expected the reaction was a mixture of agreement, ignorance and offence. A handful would reply with a complete and truthful response, another handful would agree, some would take offence to the blunt nature of my posts, but the vast majority would ignore it because they know I've caught them out and they refuse to admit it. I continued to push them and push them further towards the preverbial edge, few have fallen but as long as someone is reacting I have my motivation.

So, I decided to start this blog just to give myself another platform/outlet to all of the arseholes in the world who never fail to act as a thorn in the side of society. I will try to update as consistently as I can, sometimes I lose track and forget these things even exist in my life, but I'll do my best.

For those who honestly agree with things that I say, don't feel as though you can't agree because I'm glad I'm not the only one with a bit of sense, just don't pretend you agree and start lying to yourself to avoid being humiliated.

Stay tuned...